Genie Bootcamp At the red carper premiere Bella Filming in San Diego The Blue Light Me & Sigmund Devil Dogs A film set in Iraq ZFF - Zombie Friends Forever One of my first short films. Bigfoot Stole My Wife We put on a play in Iraq. The Raven I'm the ghost of Poe. Nevermore.

Here’s what some critics have said about my work.

Even though I don’t act for accolades or press it’s still nice to get good reviews. I am proud to say that most directors  consider my work ethic to be outstanding and look forward to working with me again!

Despite his possible status as the “least exciting” member of the bunch, special mention goes to John J. Pistone. As the Man he makes two of the best speeches in the entire show. While Pistone insists that the monologues are “well written,” in the hands of a different performer they could easily be overblown. During these moments Piston uses just the right touch of anger and humor.
Alina Mae Wilson, The Orange Curtain Review
There’s a lot more to Man than meets the eye, and the stocky, bald-pated Pistone uses a soft Southern accent to imbue the role with external courtesy cloaking a core of keen perception – and a not-unreasonable demand of unwavering devotion from his wife to equal his own.
Eric Marchese, Orange County Register
Pistone nails the powerful monolog Davis has given “Man.”
Steven Stanley,
Let's Work Together

I love to collaborate.

I'm always looking for new projects to get involved with so if you'd like to work with me on something then click here!
Let's Work Together

Behind the scenes stories will be posted soon. The actors life is beautiful.

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